Level 27, 101 Collins Street
3000 Melbourne CBD
Victoria, Australia

Phone:   +61 (0)3 9221 6166  +61 (0)3 9221 6166

           1300 703 733   1300 703 733
Mobile:   +61 (0)466 635 800  +61 (0)466 635 800

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Outperforming with enhanced 360° approach™Grah LED technology
As pioneers of utilizing LED technology in automotive lighting with 15 years of proficient knowledge and competences in electronics and mechanical construction, we have used an integrated 360° approach™ in the development of sophisticated lighting products. The results are one of kind innovative lighting products, which successfully solve all the challenges of the latest cutting edge LED technology, that most of our competitors are not able to cope with.


Engineering from totally new perspective360 approach
Through our 360° approach™ every single component of the luminaire is studied and treated from a totally new perspective in order to achieve highest possible overall product quality, high energy efficiency, one of the best illumination performance and maximum life expectancy.


Quality and innovation
Every luminaire made on our modern automotive production line, consists of top quality Luxeon Rebel LEDs merged on our own patented LED GENION bar™, special in-house developed full cutoff  QUADRUM optics™, precisely customized I-NFINITY driver™ and optimized cooling system COOLVERT™, all compactly enclosed in durable, aerodynamic housing AEROCOMPACT™ with modern design. The result is a unique MATRIX 3D light™ with ultra optimized lighting performance and uniformity.

quality innovation